For retail sales, check available products

Chamonille Chamomilla recutita (L.) Rauschert
Flower, pollen and fine cut

Sauco Sambucus nigra L.

Linden Tilia cordata Mill.
Flowers and bracts, coarse cut and fine cut
For retail sales, check available products.

Flower, pollen and fine cut


Flowers and bracts, coarse cut and fine cut
For retail sales, check available products.

Conventional and organic
Whole fruits

Conventional and organic
Whole fruits

Conventional and organic
Cubes and Slice

Conventional and organic
Whole fruits, shells coarse cut and shells fine cut,
Powder and seed
For retail sales, check available products.

Conventional and organic
Whole fruits

Conventional and organic
Whole fruits

Conventional and organic
Cubes and Slice

Conventional and organic
Whole fruits, shells coarse cut and shells fine cut,
Powder and seed
For retail sales, check available products

Conventional and organic
Leaves, coarse cut and fine cut

Crataegus Crataegus monogyna Jacquin.
Flowers and leaves

Eucalyptus Eucalyptus globulus Labill.
Coarse cut

Conventional and organic

St. John´s Wort Hypericum perforatum L.
Conventional and organic

Plantain Plantago major L.
Fine cut

Matico Buddleja globosa Hope
Coarse cut and fine cut

White Mint Mentha suaveolens Ehrh.
Coarse cut and fine cut

Black Mint Mentha piperita L.
Coarse cut and fine cut

Avocado Persea americana Mill.
Coarse cut

Quillay Quillaja saponaria Mol.

Toronjil Melisa Melissa officinalis L.
Coarse cut and fine cut

Conventional and organic
For retail sales, check available products.

Conventional and organic
Leaves, coarse cut and fine cut

Flowers and leaves

Eucalyptus globulus Labill.
Coarse cut

Conventional and organic

Conventional and organic

Fine cut

Buddleja globosa Hope
Coarse cut and fine cut

Coarse cut and fine cut

Coarse cut and fine cut

Coarse cut

Quillaja saponaria Mol.

Melissa officinalis L.
Coarse cut and fine cut

Conventional and organic
Adding value to nature
Puelche Group
Casilla 902
Los Ángeles, Región del Biobío
Zip Code: 4440000